Daftar Alamat dan No Telepon JNE Terdekat di Mugassari

Berikut ini adalah hasil pencarian Alamat dan No Telepon agen JNE Terdekat di "Mugassari".

JNE Center Semarang

Alamat : Jl. Kyai Saleh No.10, Mugassari, Semarang Sel., Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50231, Indonesia
No Telp : (024) 86000***
Jam Kerja : 08:00-17:00 (Senin - Sabtu). Hari Minggu tutup.
Rating User :

Nilai rata rata 3.7 berdasarkan penilaian 1724 user.

Komentar Terbaru
Oei Maya Prasodjoyo
Memberi nilai : 4
Im a regular here and this new playground is really good. Children won't feel bored.

Pitra Alone
Memberi nilai : 2
Having a bad experiences for three times. But still haven't had an improvement.

Pao Panda
Memberi nilai : 3
This place became one of the silent witnesses where my struggle to get into the university that I wanted really went through a long process ???? I remember, my friend and I went here with a considerable distance and spent approximately 45,000 thousand. We go there just because my friend is worried if our file is not accepted because there is no official shipping service stamp in our file. I advised you not to worry too much and make the atmosphere more chaotic. but he didn't listen to my words. Luckily the person in charge there can calmly face my friend's fuss anku. As a result, our money ran out and got nothing. because it turns out the file has been sent. But God has other plans, finally, our files are still accepted and can continue to the next stage.

Memberi nilai : 5
Thumbs up for JNE kyai saleh semarang...!

experia arc15
Memberi nilai : 3
Still trust and believe to JNE expedition.... And good services....

Klik di sini untuk semua Alamat agen JNE di Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Itulah daftar alamat dan No Telp JNE Terdekat di "Mugassari" yang bisa kami tampilkan.

Jika ada kendala dalam pengiriman paket seperti, klaim asuransi, paket rusak, paket belum datang, paket hilang, dan lain-lain silahkan hubungi alamat di atas.
Apabila alamat yang kami sediakan di atas tidak dapat dihubungi, Anda dapat menghubungi kantor pusat JNE Jakarta di bawah ini.


Jl. Tomang Raya No. 11
Jakarta Barat 11440

Contact center : (021) 2927 8888
Office : (62-21) 566 5262
Fax : (62-21) 567 1413
Email : customercare@jne.co.id
Website: www.jne.co.id